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24-Hour HRV Norms

HRV Norms for BCIA Biofeedback and HRV Biofeedback Certification

ECG electrode placement

24-Hour HRV Norms

Task Force Report

The Task Force report (1996) provided 24-hour heart rate variability norms for 144 healthy subjects and included cutoffs for increased mortality risk. When providing heart rate variability biofeedback, professionals should never apply 24-hour norms to short-term values.

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Umetani and colleagues 

Umetani et al. (1998) published 24-hour norms for 260 healthy participants aged 10-99 years old. They reported that several HRV time-domain indices declined with age. After age 65, participants 
fell below cutoffs for increased threat of mortality. Before age 30, female participants had lower HRV measurements than their male counterparts. This gender difference vanished after 50 years of age.

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Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996). Heart rate variability: Standards of measurement, physiological interpretation, and clinical useCirculation, 93, 1043-1065. PMID: 8598068

Umetani, K., Singer, D. H., McCraty, R., & Atkinson, M. (1998). Twenty-four hour time domain heart rate variability and heart rate: Relations to age and gender over nine decades. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 31(2), 593-601. 

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