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Functional Neuroanatomy

You may use this course to satisfy 15 of 48 hours of continuing education for Biofeedback, HRV Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, or Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction Biofeedback recertification.  


This course does not satisfy BCIA’s Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology requirement. For Neurofeedback certification, purchase our Physiological Psychology course instead. 


Academic Rigor

This online course is identical in rigor to nationally-ranked Truman State University’s neuroscience courses.

Certificate of Completion

We will provide you with a Certificate of Completion when you pass 7 required chapter exams and contact us.

Functional Neuroanatomy

  • Based on Michael and Lynda Thompson’s superb Functional Anatomy.

You will receive a confirmation email within one working day when you place your order. If you have purchased a course or testing service, we will provide instructions for accessing your purchase.

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